We are an E.U. certified organic producer with P.D.O. status. We believe in a biodynamic process that allows seasonal local flora to grow with our trees and build a connectivity that helps infuse our olives with rich unique flavors.
We do not follow a high density, chemically fertilized mega grove model. We believe those methods destroy and devalue the traditional landscape and the local producers who have been symbiotically part of the natural ecology.

Our oil flows
from our trees.
Trees that have existed for decades, centuries and millennia in Chrysofora.
We don't outsource, blend or sell stale oil.


Koroneiki means “little crown” due to the shape of its small white flower. The Koroneiki varietal originated in the Messinia region of Greece sometime close to 2000 B.C. The same place that launched a thousand ships in the famous Trojan war. Yes. It goes back that far.
Magically, there are a few living koroneiki trees that still exist from that time of myth and legend. One of our very own village trees is over a thousand years old.

Koroneiki is obviously suited to the natural combination of rocky yet nutrient rich clay soils of its origin. A place of perpetual sunlight and relatively stable temperatures that enhance the organoleptic properties of the fruit. While it can be grown in other places, there is a reason we have achieved a Protected Designated Origin (P.D.O.) status for our olives. Koroneiki olives will always grow and taste best in the land they were born to inhabit.

Koroneiki have exceptional oil content with dense amounts of naturally occurring vitamins, polyphenol and oleic acid
The aroma of a good Koroneiki oil is balanced with robust structure that holds flavors from the terroir of each cultivar. It should always be buttery with a pepper finish. An excellent koroneiki will have more complex flavors.

They rank amongst the world's most beneficial edible foods. Alongside the nutritive and beneficial oleic acids that help moderate cholesterol, they have the highest digestibility of any edible fat. From heart to digestive to anti-cancer and alzheimer benifits, Koroneiki olives are a pillar of the famous Mediterranean blue zone diet. A good olive oil like ours is stacked with powerful antioxidants and vitamins like A and E.

The nose carries an impression of cut tomato leaf but our oil has flavors of fennel alongside bergamot citrus notes. You might detect a bit of sage butter with a whiff of cedar or cypress.